h1 here
h2 here
h3 here
h4 here
h5 here
h6 here
This is a p which stands for paragraph. There is also filler text here. This sentence is bold and strong.
- What is your name? Dalia
- Is a hotdog a sandwich? No
- Can you wear socks with Sandals? No
- Where do you call home? Virginia
- Is cereal a soup? No
- Which goes in first, milk or cereal? Cereal
- Is a wafer a cookie? Yes
- Do you park in the driveway or drive on the parkway? Park in the driveway
- Subs or Dubs? Subs
- Do you like waffles? Yes
- If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? Cat
- What is the answer to everything? Food